UI Label
Usage note
/ddi:DDIInstance/@xml:lang | Recommended | Study description available in | Attribute | | ISO 639-1 codes are strongly encouraged to be used. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/@xsi:schemaLocation | Recommended | | Attribute | | System-required information - nearly always "ddi:instance:3_3
http://www.ddialliance.org/Specification/DDI-Lifecycle/3.3/XMLSchema/instance.xsd". |
/ddi:DDIInstance/r:Citation/r:Title/r:String | Optional | | Content element | No | Title of the CDC XML document - note that the Study Title goes in
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/r:Citation/r:Title/r:String. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/r:Citation/r:Title/r:String/@xml:lang | Mandatory if '..r:Title/r:String' element is present | | Attribute | | ISO 639-1 codes are strongly encouraged to be used. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/r:ResourcePackage/pi:PhysicalInstance/r:Citation/r:Language | Recommended | Language of data file(s) | Content element | Yes | ISO 639-1 codes are strongly encouraged to be used if available for the language. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/r:UserID | Mandatory | Study number / PID | Content element | Yes | This element serves two use cases.
(1) Unique archival number.
If no such number available, a PID may be used alternatively (and in such a case,
the PID must be captured in this element *as well as* in
The @typeOfUserID attribute must be "StudyNumber".
(2) A URL or URN (a reference to a web resource that specifies its location)
linking to the study description on the SP website. CDC provides a link from
the study information there to the study description on the SP website,
to allow users to access the data. [This element not visible in the UI, it is only needed for the link].
The @typeOfUserID attribute must be "URLServiceProvider". |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/r:UserID/@typeOfUserID | Mandatory | | Attribute | | Must be specifed when the "ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/r:UserID"
element is used for the unique archival number. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/r:UserID/@typeOfUserID | Mandatory | | Attribute | | Must be specifed when the "ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/r:UserID"
element is used for the URL of the study description at the SP website. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/r:Citation/r:Title/r:String | Mandatory | Study title | Content element | Yes | Title of the Study (as opposed to the title of the XML document). |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/r:Citation/r:Title/r:String/@xml:lang | Mandatory | | Attribute | | Language of the study title. ISO 639-1 codes are strongly encouraged
to be used. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/r:Citation/r:Creator/r:CreatorReference | Recommended | Creator | Container element | Yes | Reference to Principal investigator Person OR Institution. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/r:Citation/r:Creator/r:CreatorReference/r:TypeOfObject | Mandatory of 'r:CreatorReference' is present. | Creator | Content element | Yes | Type of object being referenced - in this case, it should always be either
"Individual" or "Organization". |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/r:Citation/r:Publisher/r:PublisherReference | Recommended | Publisher | Container element | Yes | A reference to the name of the institution publishing the metadata,
i.e. the name of the actual CESSDA Service Provider providing the metadata information. Only on study level. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/r:Citation/r:Publisher/r:PublisherReference/r:TypeOfObject | Mandatory if 'r:PublisherReference' is present | Publisher | Content element | Yes | Type of object being referenced - in this case, it should always be either
"Individual" or "Organization". |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/r:Citation/r:PublicationDate/r:SimpleDate | Optional | Publication year | Content element | Yes | Ideally 'YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ' format, but can accept
'YYYY-MM-DD', 'YYYY-MM' or 'YYYY' as date format.
It is strongly recommended to provide the full date to allow
sorting by publication date in CDC. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/r:Citation/r:InternationalIdentifier/r:IdentifierContent | Mandatory | | Content element | Yes | Used for the study PID. PID must be one of these four types: ARK, DOI, Handle or URN. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/r:Citation/r:InternationalIdentifier/r:ManagingAgency | Mandatory | | Content element | Yes | Agency responsible for the persistent identifier of the study. Value
should be one of
https://vocabularies.cessda.eu/vocabulary/CessdaPersistentIdentifierTypes i.e. ARK
or DOI or Handle or URN. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/r:Abstract/r:Content | Mandatory | Abstract | Content element | Yes | The abstract for the study. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/r:Abstract/r:Content/@xml:lang | Mandatory | | Attribute | | Language of the abstract. ISO 639-1 codes are strongly encouraged to
be used. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/r:FundingInformation/r:AgencyOrganizationReference | Optional | | Container element | Yes | Reference to the Agency which provided the funding. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/r:FundingInformation/r:AgencyOrganizationReference/r:TypeOfObject | Mandatory if ../r:FundingInformation/r:AgencyOrganizationReference is present | | Content element | | Type of Agency which provided the funding. Should be 'Organization'. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/r:FundingInformation/r:AgencyOrganizationReference/r:FunderRole | Optional | | Content element | Yes | If different funding agencies sponsored different stages of the production process,
use 'r:FunderRole' to distinguish the grant numbers. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/r:FundingInformation/r:AgencyOrganizationReference/r:GrantNo | Optional | | Content element | Yes | The identification code of the grant or other monetary award which provided funding for the Study.
If you know that the funder is included in the OpenAIRE list of Funders,
see the instructions for grantNo syntax here:
https://guidelines.openaire.eu/en/latest/data/field_contributor.html#nameidentifier-ma-o .
Indicate the appropriate agency using the r:AgencyOrganizationReference element.
If different funding agencies sponsored different stages of the production process,
use the /r:FunderRole element to distinguish the grant numbers. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/r:Coverage/r:TopicalCoverage/r:Subject | Recommended | Topics | Content element | Yes | Subject classifcation term for the study in the local language. Use
descriptive terms from https://vocabularies.cessda.eu/vocabulary/TopicClassification
if possible but other vocabularies are permitted. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/r:Coverage/r:TopicalCoverage/r:Subject/@xml:lang | Mandatory if "/r:TopicalCoverage/r:Subject" element is
present | | Attribute | | Language of the subject classification term. ISO 639-1 codes are
strongly encouraged to be used. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/r:Coverage/r:TopicalCoverage/r:Subject/@controlledVocabularyName | Recommended | | Attribute | | The name of the vocabulary. If possible, use "CESSDA Topic Classification"
(regardless of language) but other vocabularies are permitted. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/r:Coverage/r:TopicalCoverage/r:Subject/@controlledVocabularyURN | Recommended | | Attribute | | Use the URI of the CV version that is being used based on the pattern
"https://vocabularies.cessda.eu/urn/urn:ddi:int.cessda.cv:TopicClassification:[version number]"
For example, for version 4.2 of CESSDA Topic Classification, use
"https://vocabularies.cessda.eu/urn/urn:ddi:int.cessda.cv:TopicClassification:4.2.2". |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/r:Coverage/r:TopicalCoverage/r:Keyword | Recommended | Keywords | Content element | Yes | Keyword for the study in the local language. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/r:Coverage/r:TopicalCoverage/r:Keyword/@xml:lang | Mandatory if 'keyword' element is present | | Attribute | | Language of the keyword. ISO 639-1 codes are strongly encouraged to be
used. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/r:Coverage/r:TopicalCoverage/r:Keyword/@controlledVocabularyName | Recommended if 'keyword' element is present | | Attribute | | Source of keywords - ELSST is recommended but other vocabularies can
be referenced. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/r:Coverage/r:TopicalCoverage/r:Keyword/@controlledVocabularyURN | Optional | | Attribute | | |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/r:Coverage/r:SpatialCoverage/r:Description/r:Content | Recommended | Country | Content element | Yes | Countries relevant to the study area. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/r:Coverage/r:SpatialCoverage/r:Description/r:Content/@xml:lang | Mandatory if '..r:SpatialCoverage/r:Description/r:Content' element
is present | | Attribute | | Language of the country label. ISO 639-1 codes are strongly encouraged
to be used. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/r:Coverage/r:SpatialCoverage/r:CountryCode | Recommended | | Content element | | Use this element only if the country has an
ISO 3166-1 2-letter code. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/r:AnalysisUnit | Recommended | | Content element | Yes | Contains the Analysis Unit code value in English. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/r:AnalysisUnit/@controlledVocabularyName | Recommended | | Attribute | | Use the string "DDI Analysis Unit" regardless of language. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/r:AnalysisUnit/@controlledVocabularyListURN | Optional | | Attribute | | The Canonical URL of the CV version that is being used e.g.
https://vocabularies.cessda.eu/v2/vocabularies/AnalysisUnit/1.0.0?languageVersion=en-1.0.0. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/r:AnalysisUnitsCovered | Recommended | Analysis unit | Content element | Yes | Descriptive term of Analysis Unit CV item in the local language. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/r:AnalysisUnitsCovered/@xml:lang | Mandatory if 'AnalysisUnitsCovered' element is
present | | Attribute | | Language of the Analysis Unit descriptive term. ISO 639-1
codes are strongly encouraged to be used. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/StudyUnit/r:OtherMaterialScheme/r:OtherMaterial/r:TypeOfMaterial | Recommended | | Content element | Yes | Should always be set as 'Related Publication'. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/r:OtherMaterialScheme/r:OtherMaterial/r:Citation/r:InternationalIdentifier/r:IdentifierContent | Recommended | | Content element | Yes | PID of the publication. Required by OpenAIRE to to relate the
publication to a dataset. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/r:OtherMaterialScheme/r:OtherMaterial/r:Citation/r:InternationalIdentifier/r:ManagingAgency | Recommended | | Content element | Yes | Agency responsible for the identifier of the publication. Required by OpenAIRE and
the value has to come from their controlled list of relatedIdentifierTypes:
https://guidelines.openaire.eu/en/latest/data/field_relatedidentifier.html#d-relatedidentifier. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/r:OtherMaterialScheme/r:OtherMaterial/r:ExternalURLReference | Recommended | | Content element | Yes | URL of website on which the publication can be found (or at least information concerning the literature). |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/c:ConceptualComponent/c:UniverseScheme/c:Universe/r:Description/r:Content | Recommended | None | Content element | Yes | Description of population or other elements studied or measured (freetext). |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/c:ConceptualComponent/c:UniverseScheme/c:Universe/r:Description/r:Content/@xml:lang | Mandatory if '../c:Universe/r:Description/r:Content' element is present. | None | Attribute | | Language of the Universe item. ISO 639-1 codes are strongly
encouraged to be used. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/c:ConceptualComponent/c:UniverseScheme/c:Universe/@isInclusive | Optional | None | Attribute | | The default value is "true" in DDI-L. The description statement of a
universe is generally stated in inclusive terms such as "All persons residing in Europe".
Occasionally a universe is defined by what it excludes, i.e., "All persons residing
in Europe except for those residing on U.S. Military bases".
In this case the value would be changed to "false".
In DDI-C, attribute clusion states the inclusion/exclusion with values "I" and "E" respectively. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/d:DataCollection/d:Methodology/d:TimeMethod/d:TypeOfTimeMethod | Recommended | | Content element | Yes | Code value of the CV "DDI Time Method". Describes the time dimension
of the data collection. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/d:DataCollection/d:Methodology/d:TimeMethod/d:TypeOfTimeMethod/@controlledVocabularyName | Recommended | | Attribute | | Use the string "DDI Time Method" regardless of language. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/d:DataCollection/d:Methodology/d:TimeMethod/d:TypeOfTimeMethod/@controlledVocabularyURN | Optional | | Attribute | | The Canonical URL of the CV version that is being used e.g.
"https://vocabularies.cessda.eu/v2/vocabularies/TimeMethod/1.2.0?languageVersion=en-1.2.0". |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/d:DataCollection/d:Methodology/d:TimeMethod/r:Description/r:Content | Recommended | Time dimension | Content element | Yes | Descriptive term of Time Method CV item in the local language. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/d:DataCollection/d:Methodology/d:TimeMethod/r:Description/r:Content/@xml:lang | Mandatory if '.../d:TimeMethod/r:Description/r:Content' element is present | | Attribute | | Language of the Time Dimension descriptive term. ISO 639-1 codes are
strongly encouraged to be used. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/d:DataCollection/d:Methodology/d:SamplingProcedure/d:TypeOfSamplingProcedure | Recommended | | Content element | Yes | Type of sampling procedure used for data collection. Controlled
vocabulary includes a typology of sampling methods. Code value of the CV "DDI
Sampling Procedure". |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/d:DataCollection/d:Methodology/d:SamplingProcedure/d:TypeOfSamplingProcedure/@controlledVocabularyName | Recommended | | Attribute | | Use the string "DDI Sampling Procedure" regardless of
language. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/d:DataCollection/d:Methodology/d:SamplingProcedure/d:TypeOfSamplingProcedure/@controlledVocabularyURN | Optional | | Attribute | | The Canonical URL of the CV version that is being used e.g.
"https://vocabularies.cessda.eu/v2/vocabularies/SamplingProcedure/1.1.1?languageVersion=en-1.1.1". |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/d:DataCollection/d:Methodology/d:SamplingProcedure/r:Description/r:Content | Recommended | Sampling procedure | Content element | Yes | Descriptive term of the Sampling Procedure CV
item in the local language. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/d:DataCollection/d:Methodology/d:SamplingProcedure/r:Description/r:Content/@xml:lang | Mandatory if '.../d:SamplingProcedure/r:Description/r:Content' element is
present | | Attribute | | Language of the Sampling Procedure Descriptive term. ISO 639-1 codes
are strongly encouraged to be used. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/d:DataCollection/d:CollectionEvent/d:DataCollectionDate/r:StartDate | Recommended | Data collection period | Element | No | Either a single point in time or start of a date range. Ideally
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format, but can accept YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM or YYYY. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/d:DataCollection/d:CollectionEvent/d:DataCollectionDate/r:EndDate | Recommended | Data collection period | Element | No | End of a date range. If data collection period is a single event, then
this element is not required. Ideally YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format, but can accept
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/d:DataCollection/d:CollectionEvent/d:DataCollectionDate/r:SimpleDate | Recommended | Data collection period | Element | No | Use if data collection period is a single event.
Ideally YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format, but can accept
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/d:DataCollection/d:CollectionEvent/d:CollectionSituation/r:Description/r:Content | Optional | Data collection period | Element | No | This is the free text expression of the collection period. This
element may be empty. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/d:DataCollection/d:CollectionEvent/d:CollectionSituation/r:Description/r:Content/@xml:lang | Mandatory if '...Content' element is populated with a freetext expression. | | Attribute | | Language of the free text expression of the collection period.
ISO 639-1 codes are strongly encouraged to be used. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/d:DataCollection/d:CollectionEvent/d:ModeofCollection/d:TypeOfModeOfCollection | Recommended | | Content element | Yes | Description of the method of data collection - the procedure,
technique, or mode of inquiry used to attain the data. Code value of the CV "DDI
Mode of Data Collection". |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/d:DataCollection/d:CollectionEvent/d:ModeofCollection/d:TypeOfModeOfCollection@controlledVocabularyName | Recommended | | Attribute | | Use the string "DDI Mode of Collection" regardless of
language. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/d:DataCollection/d:CollectionEvent/d:ModeofCollection/d:TypeOfModeOfCollection@controlledVocabularyURN | Optional | | Attribute | | The Canonical URL of the CV version that is being used e.g.
"https://vocabularies.cessda.eu/v2/vocabularies/ModeOfCollection/3.0?languageVersion=en-3.0.0". |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/d:DataCollection/d:CollectionEvent/d:ModeOfCollection/r:Description/r:Content | Recommended | Data collection mode | Content element | Yes | Descriptive term of the Mode of Data Collection CV item in the local language. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/d:DataCollection/d:CollectionEvent/d:ModeOfCollection/r:Description/r:Content/@xml:lang | Mandatory if '.../d:ModeOfCollection/r:Description/r:Content' element is
present | | Attribute | | Language of the Mode of Data Collection descriptive term. ISO 639-1
codes are strongly encouraged to be used. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/a:Archive/a:ArchiveSpecific/a:Item/a:Access/a:TypeOfAccess | Mandatory | Open/Closed | Content element | Yes | Controlled description of the data access (open access vs. restricted access).
CDC will use the same Access Rights vocabulary as OpenAIRE.
The name of the vocabulary is “info:eu-repo-Access-Terms vocabulary” - see
Only the codes “restrictedAccess” and “openAccess” will be used. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/a:Archive/a:ArchiveSpecific/a:Item/a:Access/a:TypeOfAccess/@controlledVocabularyName | Mandatory if '../a:AccessTypeName' element is present | | Attribute | | Always 'info:eu-repo-Access-Terms vocabulary'. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/a:Archive/a:ArchiveSpecific/a:Item/a:Access/r:Description/r:Content | Recommended | Terms of data access | Content element | Yes | Refers to any information relating to the access and use conditions of
data that the SP wants to appear in the CDC. |
/ddi:DDIInstance/s:StudyUnit/a:Archive/a:ArchiveSpecific/a:Item/a:Access/r:Description/r:Content/@xml:lang | Mandatory if '..a:Access/r:Description/r:Content' element is
present | | Attribute | | Language of the Access statement. ISO 639-1 codes are strongly
encouraged to be used. |