The CMV API is available in two forms, a HTTP REST API and a Java API.
Documentation for the REST API is available at https://api.tech.cessda.eu/. In the top right-hand corner select CESSDA Metadata Validator from the list of API definitions.
To use the Java API, include the dependency and repository definition in your Maven project.
<name>CESSDA Nexus Repository</name>
An example usage of the API is shown below.
boolean validateFiles() throws IOException, NotDocumentException
// Create the validator factory and the validation service
CessdaMetadataValidatorFactory factory = new CessdaMetadataValidatorFactory();
// Load the validation profile; this can be a file, URI or a InputStream
Profile profile = factory.newProfile(new File("path/to/cmv-profile.xml"));
// Load the document to validate
Document documentToValidate = factory.newDocument(new File("path/to/ddi-document-to-validate.xml"));
// Run the validation.
ValidationReport validationReport = factory.validate(documentToValidate, profile, ValidationGateName.BASIC);
// The validation report can now be inspected. A document is valid if no constraint violations are present.
List<ConstraintViolation> constraintViolations = validationReport.getConstraintViolations();
boolean isValid = constraintViolations.isEmpty();
// Constraint violations can be detailed if present.
for (ConstraintViolation violation : constraintViolations) {
// Return the validation status
return isValid;
Consult the JavaDoc for more details.